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Mel Brown

Early R&B
Soul music
Born in Jackson, Mississippi on October 7, 1939, Mel Brown was a jazz and blues guitarist best known for being a member of Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland band for a decade. He learned to play guitar while recovering from meningitis when he was a teenager. Early in his career, he played with Sonny Boy Williamson II and Jimmy Beasley before joining Johnny Otis’ orchestra for two years and accompanying Etta James and Reuben Wilson. He signed a deal with Impulse! Records and released his first solo album, Chicken Fat, in 1967, which was arranged by Herb Ellis and Oliver Nelson. He followed that ...
But Not for Me
But Not for MeMel Brown


What's Happening Brother
What's Happening BrotherMel Brown


Get Out of My Life Woman
Get Out of My Life WomanMel Brown

Neck Bones & Caviar


What's Going On
What's Going OnMel Brown


Ode to Billie Joe
Ode to Billie JoeMel Brown

The Wizard

Master Blaster
Master BlasterMel Brown and Mel Brown & The Homewreckers

Blues - A Beautiful Thing


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