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Pop music
French chanson
French mainstream pop
Melody, whose real name was Nathalie Lefebvre, was born on January 20, 1977 in Ronse, Belgium. Dalida's brother Orlando decided to produce her with Jean-Pierre Millers. In 1989, Millers and Guy Carlier co-wrote the song "Y'a pas que les grands qui rêvent". It was a colossal success for the young girl, as her single sold 900,000 copies and reached number two in the French charts. Happiness never comes alone, and she was even awarded the Sacem Grand Prix. Although the teenager went on to score other hits, such as "Chariot d'étoiles", "Mamie " and "Le Prince du roller", she did not ...
miss you
miss youMelody, m-flo and 山本領平 (Ryohei Yamamoto)

Ryohei BEST


Atual Idiota
Atual IdiotaMelody and Paula Guilherme

Atual Idiota


De Pata Negra
De Pata NegraMelody

De Pata Negra

Besos De Cristal
Besos De CristalMelody

De Pata Negra

Niet Wat Vrienden Doen
Niet Wat Vrienden DoenMelody and Junior Songfestival


Mi Mejor Amiga
Mi Mejor AmigaMelody

De Pata Negra

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