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Michael Gordon

Classical music
Michael Gordon is a prolific American composer, arranger and producer who works with a wide variety of musicians of many different styles and collaborates with artists and film-makers on ambitious projects in varying forms and formats. His website states that for more than 30 years his body of work has ranged from large-scale pieces for high-energy ensembles to major orchestral commissions to works conceived specifically for the recording studio. One of the founders and artistic directors of the Bang On a Can Festival in New York, his work has been performed at Carnegie Hall and ...
Brand New Love
Brand New LoveMichael Gordon

Estás Mirando Al Cielo?
Estás Mirando Al Cielo?Iara and Michael Gordon


Born to Be
Born to BeMyk Gordon and Michael Gordon


Close as Kin
Close as KinMichael Gordon

You Don't Love Me
You Don't Love MeMichael Gordon

FlownMichael Gordon
