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Michelle Swift

A Place in the Sun
A Place in the SunMichelle Swift


Great God Eternal
Great God EternalMichelle Swift, Laura Story, Chris Bevins, Colin Neil Stevens and Craig Swift


How Sweet the Name
How Sweet the NameMichelle Swift, Laura Story, Chris Bevins, Colin Neil Stevens, Craig Swift and Colin Stevens


Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, HolyLaura Story, Michelle Swift, Cameron Bible, Chris Bevins, Colin Neil Stevens, Craig Swift, Colin Stevens, Abby Allen and Alice Yoon


I Will Boast
I Will BoastMatthew Means, Michelle Swift, Laura Story, Chris Bevins, Colin Neil Stevens, Craig Swift, Joe Causey, Abby Allen, Anna Park, Michael Hansen and Perimeter Church Choir


A Thousand Voices / He Has Done Great Things
A Thousand Voices / He Has Done Great ThingsMichelle Swift, Ryan Robertson, Chris Bevins, Colin Neil Stevens, Craig Swift, Joe Causey, Perimeter Church Choir and Ryan Gericke
