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咪咪 朱

(Mimi Chu)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Mimi Chu, originally Choo Yit Mei, born on October 26, 1954, in Malaysia, is a well-known actress and singer based in Hong Kong, having spent some time in Singapore before relocating. She is a familiar figure in the entertainment industries of both Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, participating in numerous events and featuring in productions across Hong Kong and Singapore. Over the years, she has released multiple Cantopop original album and compilation,  including 今天的我 (1991) and 朱咪咪喜唱玩樂38首 (2016). In 2025, she has released a single '愛呀恭喜你" along with Min Chen, Phei Yong and Tomato...
柳絲長 (Liu Si Chang)
柳絲長 (Liu Si Chang)咪咪 朱 and 咪咪 朱 (Mimi Chu)

咪咪咪玩嘢2008演唱會 (Live)


蘋果花 (Live) (Pin Guo Hua (Live))
蘋果花 (Live) (Pin Guo Hua (Live))咪咪 朱 and 咪咪 朱 (Mimi Chu)

咪咪咪玩嘢2008演唱會 (Live)


倆忘煙水裡 (Live) (Lia Wang Yan Shui Li (Live))
倆忘煙水裡 (Live) (Lia Wang Yan Shui Li (Live))振棠 葉, 咪咪 朱 and 咪咪 朱 (Johnny Yip and Mimi Chu)

咪咪咪玩嘢2008演唱會 (Live)


酒廊爆笑話當年: 阿信的故事 / 愛情I Don't Know (Live) (Jiu Lang Bao Xiao Hua Dang Nian: A Xin De Gu Shi / Ai Qing I Don't Know (Live))
酒廊爆笑話當年: 阿信的故事 / 愛情I Don't Know (Live) (Jiu Lang Bao Xiao Hua Dang Nian: A Xin De Gu Shi / Ai Qing I Don't Know (Live))咪咪 朱 and 咪咪 朱 (Mimi Chu)

咪咪咪玩嘢2008演唱會 (Live)


問誰領風騷 (Live) (Wen Shei Ling Feng Sao (Live))
問誰領風騷 (Live) (Wen Shei Ling Feng Sao (Live))耀祥 黎, 咪咪 朱 and 咪咪 朱 (Wayne Lai and Mimi Chu)

咪咪咪玩嘢2008演唱會 (Live)


倆忘煙水裡 (Lia Wang Yan Shui Li)
倆忘煙水裡 (Lia Wang Yan Shui Li)振棠 葉, 咪咪 朱 and 咪咪 朱 (Johnny Yip and Mimi Chu)



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