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Moisés Angulo

World music
Latin pop music
Colombian singer, actor and dancer Moisés Angulo is best known for his acting appearances in 'Quieta, Margarita!' and 'Música Maestro'. He released his debut album in 1994, 'El Profeta del Sabor (Sencillo)', with 'Fusión' also releasing the same year. He followed this with 'La Pachanga' in 1996 and 'Por El Camino' in 1997. 'El Amor Llegó' was released in 2001 and he appeared on the Colombian television comedy show 'También Caerás'. Returning to acting, he starred in soap opera 'Alejo, la Búsqueda del Amor' about the life and career of accordion player Alejandro Durán. An alb...
Corazón Que Grita
Corazón Que GritaMoisés Angulo

Honor A Ti
Honor A TiMoisés Angulo

CompadritoMaster One and Moisés Angulo

Tocarte el Corazón
Tocarte el CorazónAlejo Navarro and Moisés Angulo


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