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Mr. Yosie Locote

Rap music
Old school hip hop
Gangsta rap
The rapper known as Mr. Yosie Locote was born Ramón Conchas on January 20, 1976 in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Drawing inspiration from his previous involvement in gang activities, he began his career in 2009 with the single “Malditos Florencianos.” Encouraged by his friend DJ B-Rapper, he continued writing rhymes and finally finished his studio debut El Duke, released in 2010. In the years that followed, Mr. Yosie Locote issued a string of albums that attained cult status and propelled him to the forefront of the underground Latin hip-hop scene: Riñas, Fiestas y Desmadres (2010), Trec...
La Vida Del Loco 2.0
La Vida Del Loco 2.0Mc.Mancha Gangsta Rap Brazil and Mr. Yosie Locote


Grifos Relajados
Grifos RelajadosMr. Yosie Locote

Trece Reglas del Varrio


La Brincada
La BrincadaDJ Siniestro 99 and Mr. Yosie Locote

Trece Reglas del Varrio


No Les Creo
No Les CreoD'Lokote and Mr. Yosie Locote


Criminales Malditos
Criminales MalditosMc.Mancha Gangsta Rap Brazil, Mr. Yosie Locote, Lucky Trece, Cartel Del Brazil and King Xinko


Estilo G Funk
Estilo G FunkTabernario, Mr. Yosie Locote and D.Mor


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