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Mud will be forever remembered affectionately for their pop rock classics Dyna-mite, Lonely This Christmas and Tiger Feet at the height of the early 1970s glam rock era. Associated with lively, upbeat material, they enjoyed their greatest successes courtesy of the hugely commercial songwriting team of Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman. They had 14 Top 20 hits between 1973 and 1976 - including three Number 1s - although success didn't come overnight and they toured endlessly with little success until being signed to Mickie Most's RAK label, when they scored their first hits with Crazy,...
Tiger Feet
Tiger FeetMud

Mud's Greatest Hits


Lonely This Christmas
Lonely This ChristmasMud

Lonely This Christmas
Lonely This ChristmasMud

Mud's Greatest Hits


Oh Boy
Oh BoyMud

Mud Rock Volume II


Tiger Feet
Tiger FeetMud


The Secrets That You Keep
The Secrets That You KeepMud

Mud Rock Volume II


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