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Newton Faulkner

Rock music
Folk music
Folk rock
Looking like an eco-warrior, playing guitar like an angel, Newton Faulkner has strummed, tapped and twiddled his way to the top of the charts with his brand of smooth, folksy pop. Honing his finger picking skills at the Academy of Contemporary Music under the tutelage of Eric Roche, Faulkner started playing Green Day covers with friends before joining short-lived funk-rock band Half A Guy. As an acoustic solo artist, his fame built through support slots with James Morrison, Paolo Nutini and John Mayer, before Radio 1 DJ Jo Whiley championed his second single Dream Catch Me, helpi...
Dream Catch Me
Dream Catch MeNewton Faulkner

Hand Built by Robots


Gone in the Morning
Gone in the MorningNewton Faulkner

Hand Built by Robots

Ageing Superhero
Ageing SuperheroNewton Faulkner

Hand Built by Robots

TeardropNewton Faulkner

Hand Built by Robots


All I Got (Everyone Is You)
All I Got (Everyone Is You)Newton Faulkner

Hand Built by Robots


Feels Like Home
Feels Like Home 

New Version

Newton Faulkner

Hand Built by Robots


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