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Nicholas Angelich

Classical music
Nicholas Angelich – born in Cincinnati, Ohio on December 14, 1970 – was an acclaimed pianist born in the US but relocated to France in his early teens. The son of Yugoslavian violinist Borivoje Andjelitch and Russian pianist Clara Kadarjan, Nicholas Angelich began studying the piano at the age of five. At the age of seven, he made his live public debut performing Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21. He moved to Paris, France to study at the Conservatoire National Superieur. He took second prize at the Casadesus International Piano Competition in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1994, he took first...
III. Andante Cantalibe
III. Andante Cantalibe 


Gautier Capuçon, Renaud Capuçon, Nicholas Angelich and Gérard Caussé (Gautier Capucon)

Brahms: Piano Quartet No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 25: IV. Rondo all Zingarese. Presto
Brahms: Piano Quartet No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 25: IV. Rondo all Zingarese. PrestoGautier Capuçon, Renaud Capuçon, Nicholas Angelich and Gérard Caussé (Gautier Capucon)

Brahms: Piano Quartets 1-3

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