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Nicholas Martin Capaldi

It's Only Losing
It's Only LosingRobbie McIntosh, John Davis, The London Community Gospel Choir, Gareth Matthews, Grace Hancock, Ian Jennings, Nicholas Martin Capaldi, Nick Squires, Paul Beavis and Tom Hughes


You and All the Seasons
You and All the SeasonsJamie Parker, John Davis, Gareth Matthews, Nicholas Martin Capaldi, Nick Squires, Paul Beavis, Tom Hughes, Jamie Pinnow, Jim Lassen and Tom Waters


You Do Bad to Me
You Do Bad to MeNeill Prosser and Nicholas Martin Capaldi


The Night Is Rarely Ours
The Night Is Rarely OursNeill Prosser, Nicholas Martin Capaldi, Boo Moore and Tim Hamill


I Just Can't Get a Break
I Just Can't Get a BreakJoe Issacs, Neill Prosser and Nicholas Martin Capaldi


Mixed Emotions
Mixed EmotionsNeill Prosser, Nicholas Martin Capaldi and Tim Hamill
