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Nick Gilder

Rock music
Glam rock
Hard rock
Remembered mainly for his big 1978 hit Hot Child In The City, songwriter Nick Gilder made stomping, catchy, androgynous pop tunes and had his tracks covered by Pat Benatar, Joe Cocker and Bette Midler. Born in London but raised in Vancouver, Canada, he initially found success with glam rock act Sweeney Todd when their single Roxy Roller topped the national charts and became the biggest selling single of the year in Canada in 1976. In an attempt to break the international market, he moved to Los Angeles and signed a solo deal with Chrysalis Records to release albums You Know Who Y...
Hot Child in the City
Hot Child in the CityNick Gilder

City Nights

Hot Child in the City
Hot Child in the CityNick Gilder

Rock America


Here Comes the Night
Here Comes the NightNick Gilder

City Nights


Roxy Roller
Roxy Roller 

Bonus Track

Nick Gilder

You Know Who You Are

(You Really) Rock Me
(You Really) Rock MeNick Gilder



FootstepsNick Gilder

Nick Gilder

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