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Nicky V

4 Legged Friend
4 Legged FriendNishant Whig, Nicky V, Leon van Egmond, Chris Joyce, GLEN Welman and neemiast eixeira


Take On Me
Take On MeCarlos Nebot and Nicky V

The Sugar
The SugarSam Gascon, Jillette Johnson, Nick Walker, Nicky V, Buddy Hyatt, Greg Collins, Sam Banks, Korey Hunt, Mat Maxwell and Jake Sommers


Small Town Southern Girl
Small Town Southern Girlkatie lynn, Nicky V, Mark Whitehead, Cory Frame, Jack Garvin, Dave Fowler, Dane Bryant, Michael Ponder, Dale Shackleford, Joel Michael Young and Katie Lynn Godowns


On My Way
On My WaySam Gascon, Jeff Peterson, Jillette Johnson, Nicky V, Buddy Hyatt, Greg Collins, Sam Banks, Korey Hunt, Mat Maxwell, Jake Sommers and Joseph Shackelford


Noche Igual
Noche IgualNoche Igual and Nicky V
