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One Man Army and the Undead Quartet

Metal music
Death metal
Killing Machine
Killing MachineOne Man Army and the Undead Quartet, The Undead and One Man Army

21st Century Killing Machine


No Apparent Motive
No Apparent MotiveOne Man Army and the Undead Quartet, The Undead and One Man Army

21st Century Killing Machine


Devil on the Red Carpet
Devil on the Red CarpetOne Man Army and the Undead Quartet, The Undead and One Man Army

21st Century Killing Machine


When Hatred Comes To Life
When Hatred Comes To LifeOne Man Army and the Undead Quartet

21st Century Killing Machine

The Pleasures Of Slavery
The Pleasures Of SlaveryOne Man Army and the Undead Quartet


Skeletons Of Rose Hall
Skeletons Of Rose HallOne Man Army and the Undead Quartet

