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Parquet Courts

Rock music
Punk rock
Garage rock
Born out of the New York DIY scene in 2010, Parquet Courts' wonky garage rock draws from all sorts of art punk obscurities and psychedelic, counter-culture outposts, but at heart the group remain obsessive music nerds cutting and pasting together second hand, record store gems and crashing around at dingy basement gigs. Growing up in the small town of Denton, Texas Andrew Savage played in various lo-fi, ramshackle indie and hardcore bands and enthusiastically absorbed crate-digging, fanzine culture, before heading to Brooklyn in search of art and music after leaving universi...
Before the Water Gets Too High
Before the Water Gets Too HighParquet Courts

Wide Awake!


Total Football
Total FootballParquet Courts

Wide Awake!


Stoned & Starving
Stoned & StarvingParquet Courts

Light Up Gold


Berlin Got Blurry
Berlin Got BlurryParquet Courts

Human Performance

Almost Had To Start A Fight/In And Out Of Patience
Almost Had To Start A Fight/In And Out Of PatienceParquet Courts

Wide Awake!


ViolenceParquet Courts

Wide Awake!


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