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Pascal Comelade

Rock music
Experimental rock
Catalan multi-instrumentalist Pascal Comelade doesn't fit into a single box: his music is as inspired by the wildest or most abstract rock as it is by musique concrète, and his work oscillates between the whimsical and the serious. This specialist in toy instruments, founder of the Bel Canto Orquestra in 1983, has released some fifty albums, the highlights of which are Bel Canto (1986), Haikus de Pianos (1991), El Cabaret Galactic (1995) and L'Argot du Bruit (1998). In 2007, he delivers his Mètode de Rocanrol (sic) and, a few albums later, reunites with all his past collaborators...
Poema d’hivern
Poema d’hivernIvette Nadal and Pascal Comelade

M’escullsIvette Nadal and Pascal Comelade


Voldria ser
Voldria serIvette Nadal and Pascal Comelade

Tela sobre tela
Tela sobre telaIvette Nadal and Pascal Comelade


Passejant per Barcelona
Passejant per BarcelonaIvette Nadal and Pascal Comelade

Métode de Rocanrol


Has vist la pluja?
Has vist la pluja?Ivette Nadal and Pascal Comelade

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