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Pastor Mike Jr.

Soul music
Contemporary R&B
Christian hip hop
Born Michael McClure Jr. in Birmingham, Alabama on June 15, 1983, the award-winning gospel singer, musician, pastor, and Rock City Church founder is better known as Pastor Mike Jr. (aka PMJ). The son of Pastor Michael McClure Sr., Pastor Mike Jr. played college football for three years at the University of West Alabama but dropped out to pursue his calling in the ministry. In 2009, Pastor Mike Jr. founded The Rock City Church in Fairfield, Alabama before moving the congregation to Birmingham. As the pastor of the church, he soon began broadcasting a weekly show and began to grow ...
I Got It
I Got ItPastor Mike Jr.

I Got it


I Got It
I Got ItPastor Mike Jr.

Big: Freedom Session

TestimonyMission, Aaron Cole and Pastor Mike Jr.

AmenPastor Mike Jr.


Amazing Testimony
Amazing TestimonyPastor Mike Jr.



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