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Payton Smith

Country music
Contemporary country
Country pop
A native of Houma, Louisiana, country singer and guitarist Payton Smith landed his first break busking. During a 2014 family vacation, the teenager decided to start performing in the lobby of the Hilton where they were staying. That led to a meeting with country producer Buddy Cannon and the start of his professional career. An avid fan of both rock and country who counts Keith Urban and John Mayer among his musical role models, Smith developed his six-string skills as well as his writing chops. A spot in 2018’s CMA Fest brought him to the attention of Scott Borchetta, who signed...
She Shouldn't Have
She Shouldn't HavePayton Smith


Like I Knew You Would
Like I Knew You WouldPayton Smith

Payton Smith


This Ain't That Song
This Ain't That SongPayton Smith

Soundtrack To Summer 2021


Need You to Not
Need You to NotPayton Smith


EvolutionPayton Smith


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