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Ping Pung

Rock music
Pop rock
Asiatic music
After assembling members from pre-existing bands Cookies and Online, Cantonese pop-rockers Ping Pung unleashed their spiky and eclectic mini-album Love & Hate in 2004, giving a voice to legions of Hong Kong's teenagers. The group, formed in the summer of 2003 by the Chinese Entertainment Company Gold Label, was composed of five members: lead singer Kary Ng, Jan and Jerry Lee, respected composer Mark Lui and DJ Tin "Tim" Ho. With independence at its core, Ping Pung created, arranged and produced all of their own music. Marked out by noteworthy singles "My Talk," "Kill Her to Death...
杀她死 (Sha Jie Si)
杀她死 (Sha Jie Si)Ping Pung

我话事 (Wo Hua Shi)
我话事 (Wo Hua Shi)Ping Pung

Love And Hate

讲清楚 (Jiang Qing Chu)
讲清楚 (Jiang Qing Chu)Ping Pung

爱是最大权利 (Ai Shi Zui Da Quan Li)
爱是最大权利 (Ai Shi Zui Da Quan Li)Ping Pung

Love And Hate

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