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Plume Latraverse

Rock music
Folk rock
French chanson
Plume Latraverse launched his career as a rock musician during the 1960s, then transformed himself into one of Canada's preeminent solo artists during the countercultural era of the 1970s. He was born as "Michel Latraverse" on May 11, 1946, in Montreal, Quebec. Latraverse's first band, the short-lived La Sainte Trinité, was formed with with Pierrot le fou during the late 1960s, and he began performing as a duo with fellow musician Steve Faulkner in 1972. Meanwhile, he began releasing a slow trickle of solo albums, too, making his debut with Triniterre in 1971 and releasing a foll...
À ma place (A ma place)
À ma place (A ma place)LaF, Jimmy Hunt, Ariane Moffatt, Emi Bond, Tire Le Coyote, Plume Latraverse, FouKi, Choses Sauvages, Étienne Drapeau, Jean-François Breau, KNLO, Les Monsieurs, Mara Tremblay, Guillaume Arsenault, Comment Debord, Radio Radio, La fille à Raymond, Lucill, Marmelade Radio and SOMMM, FouKi (Etienne Drapeau, Jean-Francois Breau and La fille a Raymond)

Étienne Drapeau

RideauPlume Latraverse

Plume Pou Digne


Le retour à la terre
Le retour à la terrePlume Latraverse

À Deux Faces

Désemparé (Desempare)
Désemparé (Desempare)Plume Latraverse

Bordeaux Beach Blues
Bordeaux Beach BluesPlume Latraverse



Lit vert
Lit vertPlume Latraverse

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