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Electro pop
Electronic music
House music
The German artist, songwriting and producer duo Quarterhead, consisting of Josh Tapen (* July 28, 1994 as Tapen Josua Skraburski) and Janik Riegert (* August 16, 1993), was founded in 2010. In addition to songwriting and production for various artists, the two release remixes such as "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" (2018), originally by the Backstreet Boys, and singles such as "Comfort Zone" (2019) with the German DJ and music producer Alle Farben. Their international breakthrough came in 2020 with the song "Head Shoulders Knees & Toes" together with the French DJ duo Ofenbach. The ...
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes
Head Shoulders Knees & ToesOfenbach, Norma Jean Martine and Quarterhead

Head Shoulders Knees & Toes


Major Lazer
Major LazerKSHMR and Quarterhead


You Spin Me Right Round
You Spin Me Right RoundQuarterhead and Late Nine


Comfort Zone
Comfort ZoneAlle Farben and Quarterhead

Sticker on My Suitcase


Is It Love
Is It LoveCamylio and Quarterhead

Is It Love
Is It LoveCamylio and Quarterhead


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