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Racionais MC's

Rap music
World music
The Brazilian rap artists Racionais MC's began life in 1988 and nowadays are considered to be elder statesmen of the Brazilian hip-hop scene. Comprised of Mano Brown, Ice Blue, Edi Rock, and KL Jay, the group comes from the impoverished inner-city areas of Sao Paulo and their urban roots gave them the credibility needed to convince fans that they were an authentic hip-hop group with a real street knowledge. For the first part of their career, the band was on the Zimbabwe label with their best-known album being Raio-X Do Brasil released in 1993. It was reported that 10,000 people ...
Tô Ouvindo Alguém Me Chamar (To Ouvindo Alguem Me Chamar)
Tô Ouvindo Alguém Me Chamar (To Ouvindo Alguem Me Chamar)Racionais MC's

Sobrevivendo No Inferno


Mulheres Vulgares
Mulheres VulgaresRacionais MC's

Raio X do Brasil


Estilo Cachorro
Estilo CachorroRacionais MC's

Nada Como um Dia Após o Outro Dia, Vol. 1 & 2


Homem Na Estrada
Homem Na Estrada 

Bonus Track

Racionais MC's

Raio X do Brasil


Capítulo 4 Versículo 3 (Capitulo 4 Versiculo 3)
Capítulo 4 Versículo 3 (Capitulo 4 Versiculo 3)Racionais MC's

Sobrevivendo No Inferno


Vida Loka, Pt. 2
Vida Loka, Pt. 2Racionais MC's

Nada Como um Dia Após o Outro Dia, Vol. 1 & 2


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