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Reynaldo Armas

World music
Latin pop music
Known in his home country as "El Cardenal Sabanero" ("The Cardinal from the Savannah"), Venezuelan singer Reynaldo Armas began his career in the 1970s and quickly established himself as one of the most popular artists in the llanero genre. He was born Reynaldo Armas Enguaima on August 4, 1953, in Santa María de Ipire, Guárico, and moved from his hometown to the city of Zaraza when he was just 9 years old. At the age of 11, he began performing on local radio shows and, by the time he was 12, he had already written his first song, "Nadie Tiene Que Saber." After winning a handful of...
El Pueblo No Tiene Dueño (El Pueblo No Tiene Dueno)
El Pueblo No Tiene Dueño (El Pueblo No Tiene Dueno)Reynaldo Armas

Tu Cantante Favorito

La Muerte Del Rucio Moro
La Muerte Del Rucio MoroReynaldo Armas

La Muerte del Rucio Moro

El Cardenalito
El CardenalitoReynaldo Armas

Que Nos Entierren Juntitos
Que Nos Entierren JuntitosReynaldo Armas

Repasando Distancias


A Mi También
A Mi TambiénAlejandro Rondón, Luis Silva, dArtagnan, Cholo Valderrama, Reynaldo Armas, Walter Silva, Joseíto Oviedo, Miguel Ubaque, Daniel Gualdron, Milena Benites, Susana Díaz, Jhon Onofre, Esteban Louis, Jorge Guerrero, Asdrubal Casanova, Rosangela Belisario, Javier Eduardo, Fabiana Ochoa, Miguelito Diaz, Ignacio Rondon, Fernando Tovar, Carlos Rico, Guillermo Galindo and Jeanette Osal


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