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Richard Harris

Pop music
Film score
Stage & Screen
Richard Harris was an Irish actor and singer whose distinctive voice and larger-than-life persona made him a cultural icon. Born on October 1, 1930, in Limerick, he initially pursued acting, training at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, and achieved acclaim with performances in This Sporting Life (1963), for which he earned an Oscar nomination, and later as King Arthur in Camelot (1967). However, it was his unexpected foray into music that cemented his legacy as a multifaceted artist. In 1968, Richard Harris released his debut album A Tramp Shining, featuring the Jimm...
MacArthur Park
MacArthur ParkRichard Harris

MacArthur Park
MacArthur ParkRichard Harris

A Tramp Shining


Didn't We
Didn't WeRichard Harris

A Tramp Shining


If You Must Leave My Life
If You Must Leave My LifeRichard Harris

A Tramp Shining


Lovers Such as I
Lovers Such as IRichard Harris

A Tramp Shining


What Do the Simple Folk Do?
What Do the Simple Folk Do?Richard Harris and Vanessa Redgrave


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