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Rob Watson

Metal music
Blind Eyes
Blind EyesAria, Ayo Solanke, Faith Kekana, Velvet Belle, Katie May, Mariano Schiavolini, Nicolette Turner, Dan Selsick, Edith Mudau, Janus Van der Merwe, Judith Mudau, Justin Holcroft, Neil Engel, Neil Kuny, Paul Hanmer, Pete Sklair, Rob Watson and Tommy Dancer

Changing Me Now
Changing Me NowRob Watson, Robert Watson, Ken Riley, Randy Ray Mitchell (contributor), Doug Doyle (contributor), David Raven (contributor), Frank Choate (contributor) and Tim Chandler (contributor)


Locked Away
Locked AwayRob Watson, Robert Watson, Ken Riley, Randy Ray Mitchell (contributor), Wayne Thomas Brasel (contributor) and Doug Doyle (contributor)


I Need You Near Me
I Need You Near MeRob Watson, Robert Watson, Ken Riley, Randy Ray Mitchell (contributor), Wayne Thomas Brasel (contributor) and Doug Doyle (contributor)


In the Future
In the FutureRob Watson, Robert Watson, Ken Riley, Randy Ray Mitchell (contributor), Doug Doyle (contributor) and Greg Flesch (contributor)


I Was There
I Was ThereRob Watson, Robert Watson, Ken Riley, Randy Ray Mitchell (contributor), Wayne Thomas Brasel (contributor), Doug Doyle (contributor), David Raven (contributor), Tim Chandler (contributor) and Dave Hackbarth (contributor)
