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Robbie Kondor

You Can Leave Your Hat On
You Can Leave Your Hat OnLuciano Pavarotti, Joe Cocker, Robbie Kondor and Orchestra Sinfonica Italiana

Pavarotti & Friends For The Children Of Guatemala And Kosovo


Se Bastasse Una Canzone
Se Bastasse Una CanzoneLuciano Pavarotti, Eros Ramazzotti, Steve Gadd, Rob Mathes, Pino Palladino, Orchestra filarmonica di Torino, Robbie Kondor and Marco Boemi

Pavarotti & Friends for the Children of Liberia


Already Blue
Already BlueTony Conniff, Robbie Kondor, David Andrew Christman, Fred Pratt and Ted Spencer


Talking to the River
Talking to the RiverTony Conniff, Robbie Kondor, David Andrew Christman, Fred Pratt and Ted Spencer


You Broke the Record
You Broke the RecordFred Pratt, Robbie Kondor, David Andrew Christman, Tony Conniff and Ted Spencer


You're Still Gone
You're Still GoneTony Conniff, Robbie Kondor, David Andrew Christman, Fred Pratt and Ted Spencer
