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Robie Lester

Pop music
Traditional pop
Scales and Arpeggios
Scales and Arpeggios 

From the Aristocats

Robie Lester, Mike Sammes Singers, Gregory Novack, Susan Novack and Victor Sweler

Les Aristochats (Dialogues, musique et chansons du film)


Scales and Arpeggios
Scales and Arpeggios 

From the Aristocats

Robie Lester, Mike Sammes Singers, Gregory Novack, Susan Novack and Victor Sweler

The Aristocats


She Never Felt Alone
She Never Felt AloneRobie Lester

The Aristocats


She Never Felt Alone
She Never Felt AlonePhil Harris, Scatman Crothers, Robie Lester, Thurl Ravenscroft and Liz English


A Life to Live Over
A Life to Live OverRobie Lester

She Never Felt Alone
She Never Felt AloneDisney and Robie Lester
