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Pop music
Country music
World music
Ronny (* March 10, 1930 in Bremen; † August 18, 2011 in Bremen) is a pop singer, composer and producer from Germany. Born Wolfgang Roloff, the artist celebrated his greatest successes in the 1960s. From the late 1950s onwards, the trained sound engineer released songs under various stage names together with artist friends. The first single under the name Ronny, "Oh My Darling Caroline", was released in 1963. The singer immediately achieved a number 1 hit in Germany. Ronny achieved the same feat in 1964 with the single "Kleine Annabell". Ronny also reached top positions in the Ger...
Oh My Darling Caroline
Oh My Darling CarolineRonny

Oh My Darling Caroline


Hohe Tannen
Hohe TannenRonny

Hohe Tannen


Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit
Kein schöner Land in dieser ZeitRonny

Hohe Tannen


Schwarze Reiter ziehen durch die Nacht
Schwarze Reiter ziehen durch die NachtRonny

Über die Weite Prärie


The Green Valleys of Home
The Green Valleys of HomeRonny

Die Sonne geht unter, die Sonne geht auf


Nun leb wohl
Nun leb wohlRonny

Little Sweetheart Belinda


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