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Roy Harris

Classical music
I'll Take Me Back
I'll Take Me BackLeeson O'Keeffe, Roy Harris, Leigh Heggarty, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack, Marion Gray, Pete Doherty, Stephen Gara and Vivienne Cunneen


The 'psycho-Ceilídh' mayhem Set
The 'psycho-Ceilídh' mayhem SetLeeson O'Keeffe, Traditional, Roy Harris, Leigh Heggarty, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack, Marion Gray, Pete Doherty, Stephen Gara and Gareth Smith


May the Road Rise With You (Go n-Éiri an Bóthair Leat)
May the Road Rise With You (Go n-Éiri an Bóthair Leat)Leeson O'Keeffe, Roy Harris, Leigh Heggarty, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack, Marion Gray, Pete Doherty, Stephen Gara, Vivienne Cunneen, Gareth Smith and Geoff Irwin


Always Upsettin' somebody
Always Upsettin' somebodyLeeson O'Keeffe, Roy Harris, Barry Hollywood, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack and Marion Gray


Bring 'em Down
Bring 'em DownRoy Harris

Sea Shanties

