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Roy Head

Early R&B
Soul music
Country music
The late rock ‘n’ roll firebrand Roy Head (born in Three Rivers, Texas on January 9, 1941) was best known for his 1965 blue-eyed soul stomper “Treat Her Right”, recorded by Head and his band The Traits and peaking at Number 2 on the US Billboard pop and R&B charts. Head moved to San Marcos in 1955 and – along with San Marcos native Tommy Bolton – formed The Traits in 1957. 1965 also saw the release of Roy Head and the Traits' "Just a Little Bit" and "Apple Of My Eye", which both made it onto the Top 40. A versatile musician, in the 1970s Head ventured into the world of country mu...
Treat Her Right
Treat Her RightRoy Head and Roy Head and the Traits

Roy Head and the Traits


Before You Accuse Me
Before You Accuse Me 

Previously Unreleased Track

Roy Head

Singin' Texas Rhythm & Blues

I Can't Stand It
I Can't Stand ItRoy Head

White Texas Soul Shouter


Get Out of My Life Woman
Get Out of My Life WomanRoy Head

Boogie Down


Treat Her Right
Treat Her RightRoy Head and Roy Head and the Traits

Roy Head and the Traits


Just a Little Bit
Just a Little BitRoy Head

Roy Head and the Traits


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