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Running Wild

Heavy metal music
Metal music
Every metal band seeks to define its own universe, in addition to its own musical particularity. Germany's Running Wild have developed an imagery of pirates and freebooters, worthy of Pirates of the Caribbean. Running Wild is especially popular in Germany, and teases out a heavy metal sound that veers towards speed metal. Formed in 1976, Running Wild made their debut in 1984 with Gates to Purgatory , and reached their peak with Port Royal in 1988. 1998's The Rivalry reached the top twenty of the German sales charts. The band's popularity continued with Rogues en Vogue, their last...
Beggar's Night
Beggar's NightRunning Wild

Under Jolly Roger


Kiss of Death
Kiss of DeathRunning Wild

The Rivalry


Fire and Thunder
Fire and ThunderRunning Wild

The Rivalry


War and Peace
War and PeaceRunning Wild

The Rivalry


The War
The WarRunning Wild

Rogues en Vogue


Return of the Dragon
Return of the DragonRunning Wild

The Rivalry


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