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Saint Etienne

Rock music
Pop rock
Formed in Croydon in 1988 by two childhood friends-turned-journalists, Bob Stanley and Pete Wiggs, Saint Etienne blazed a sophisticated electro-pop trail with their version of Neil Young's "Love Can Only Break Your Heart" as their first single, released in 1990. After Foxbase Alpha (1991), the duo made the definitive addition of singer Sarah Cracknell, whose vocal imprint marked all subsequent albums, including the successful So Tough (1993), Tiger Bay (1995) and Good Humor (1998). What followed, though not without success, proved less adventurous, and was punctuated by numerous ...
Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Only Love Can Break Your HeartErol Alkan and Saint Etienne

Foxbase Alpha


Like a Motorway
Like a MotorwaySaint Etienne

Tiger Bay


Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Only Love Can Break Your Heart 

Masters at Work Dub

Saint Etienne

Foxbase Alpha

Nothing Can Stop Us
Nothing Can Stop Us 

Ken-Lou Dub

Saint Etienne

Foxbase Alpha

Wood Cabin
Wood CabinSaint Etienne

Good Humor


He's on the Phone
He's on the PhoneSaint Etienne

So9os (Sonineties)


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