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Sarah DiSalvo

Come My Soul Your Plea Prepare
Come My Soul Your Plea PrepareJaz Hoffman, John Newton, Erin Sastre, Andie Henry, Sarah DiSalvo, Trina Carey Hodgson, Mark Rice and Justin Heinrich Knecht


O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
O the Deep Deep Love of JesusHannah Park, Enoria Lee, Erin Sastre, Thomas Grassi, Logan Hodgson, Andie Henry, Sarah DiSalvo, John M. Neale, Henry W. Baker and Aurelius C. Prudentius


Approach My Soul the Mercy Seat
Approach My Soul the Mercy SeatJaz Hoffman, John Newton, Philip Webb, Enoria Lee, Erin Sastre, Thomas Grassi, Andie Henry, Sarah DiSalvo, Charles Hutcheson and Trina Carey Hodgson


When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
When I Survey the Wondrous CrossJaz Hoffman, Isaac Watts, Lowell Mason, Benjamin Mason, Erin Sastre, Andie Henry, Sarah DiSalvo and Cathy Biagini


How Sweet and Aweful Is the Place
How Sweet and Aweful Is the PlaceHannah Park, Isaac Watts, Enoria Lee, Erin Sastre, Thomas Grassi, Andie Henry, Sarah DiSalvo and Trina Carey Hodgson


I Gave My Life for Thee
I Gave My Life for TheeHannah Park, Francés R. Havergal, Philip P. Bliss, Benjamin Mason, Erin Sastre, Andie Henry, Sarah DiSalvo, Cathy Biagini and Sarah Biagini
