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Sarah Tynan

The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 2, And God said: Let the Waters
The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 2, And God said: Let the WatersHandel and Haydn Society and Sarah Tynan


The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 2, Achieved is the Glorious Work
The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 2, Achieved is the Glorious WorkHandel and Haydn Society, Matthew Brook, Jeremy Ovenden and Sarah Tynan


The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 1, And God said: Let the Earth
The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 1, And God said: Let the EarthHandel and Haydn Society and Sarah Tynan


The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 3, Praise the Lord, Ye Voices All!
The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 3, Praise the Lord, Ye Voices All!Handel and Haydn Society, Matthew Brook, Jeremy Ovenden, Margaret Lias and Sarah Tynan


The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 1, The Heavens are Telling the Glory of God
The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 1, The Heavens are Telling the Glory of GodHandel and Haydn Society, Matthew Brook, Jeremy Ovenden and Sarah Tynan


The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 2, Most Beautiful Appear
The Creation, Hob.XXI,2: Pt. 2, Most Beautiful AppearHandel and Haydn Society, Matthew Brook, Jeremy Ovenden and Sarah Tynan
