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Seguridad Social

Rock music
Punk rock
Pop rock
Emerging on the Spanish rock scene in 1982, Valencia’s Seguridad Social (English: Social Security) first took the shape of a four-piece, with frontman and lead singer José Manuel Casañ joined by guitarist Cristóbal Perpiñá, bassist Emilio Doceda and drummer Julián Nemecio. Embracing the DIY nature of the punk and ska scenes of the 1980s, the group initially sold their first three albums on obscure handmade cassettes at their gigs, until local independent label Discos Citra picked them up for a run of singles and the EP No Es Facil Ser Dios. By 1987, the band had self-released the...
SaltaSeguridad Social

En la Boca del Volcan

Condenado a vivir
Condenado a vivirSeguridad Social

Solo para Locos

GloriaSeguridad Social

Clasicos del Futuro

Que Te Voy a Dar
Que Te Voy a DarSeguridad Social

Vino, Tabaco y Caramelos


Mi Niña
Mi NiñaSeguridad Social

Furia Latina


Me Siento Bien
Me Siento BienSeguridad Social

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