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Serú Girán

(Seru Giran)

Rock music
Jazz rock
Serú Girán was an Argentine supergroup made up of Charly García, David Lebón, Pedro Aznar, and Oscar Moro, all of whom had made names for themselves in various musical projects. The band was founded in 1978, after the dissolution of Charly García’s band La Máquina De Hacer Pájaros. The band released their debut album titled Serú Girán that same year, and premiered it with a grand live performance backed by a 24-piece orchestra. Their follow-up album, 1979’s La Grasa de las Capitales, pushed them to further heights of popularity. The following year Serú Girán released the album Bi...
Los Sobrevivientes
Los SobrevivientesSerú Girán (Seru Giran)

La Grasa de las Capitales

Cinema Verite
Cinema VeriteSerú Girán (Seru Giran)



Salir De La Melancolía
Salir De La MelancolíaSerú Girán (Seru Giran)


Viernes 3 AM
Viernes 3 AMSerú Girán (Seru Giran)

La Grasa de las Capitales


Canción de Alicia en el País (Cancion de Alicia en el Pais)
Canción de Alicia en el País (Cancion de Alicia en el Pais)Serú Girán (Seru Giran)


A Los Jóvenes de Ayer
A Los Jóvenes de AyerSerú Girán (Seru Giran)


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