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Shane & Shane

Pop music
Folk rock
Rock music
Shane & Shane are an American contemporary worship music duo from Texas. Led by musicians Shane Barnard and Shane Everett, the group's origins date back to the early aughts when the two were still studying at Texas A&M University. Everett, a Dallas native who had recently converted to Christianism, met Barnard at an on-campus Christian fellowship group and later joined him on stage as a background vocalist during his solo shows. These live performances quickly developed into a full-blown collaborative project that released its first full-length Psalms (2001) under the name Shane ...
You've Already Won
You've Already WonShane & Shane

You've Already Won (Live)

Though You Slay Me
Though You Slay MeShane & Shane

Bring Your Nothing


He Is Exalted
He Is ExaltedShane & Shane



Acres of Hope
Acres of HopeShane & Shane



Psalm 51 (Wisdom in the Secret Heart)
Psalm 51 (Wisdom in the Secret Heart)Shane & Shane

Psalms II


My Portion
My PortionShane & Shane

Everything Is Different

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