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Sharon Carty

Songs of Faith, Op. 97, Set 2 (Arr. for Voice & Orchestra by Jeremy Dibble): III. Joy, Shipmate, Joy!
Songs of Faith, Op. 97, Set 2 (Arr. for Voice & Orchestra by Jeremy Dibble): III. Joy, Shipmate, Joy!BBC Concert Orchestra, John Andrews and Sharon Carty


Is it the Wind of the Dawn (Version for Voices & Orchestra)
Is it the Wind of the Dawn (Version for Voices & Orchestra)BBC Concert Orchestra, Morgan Pearse, John Andrews and Sharon Carty


Three Cavalier Songs, Op. 17 (Version for Mezzo-Soprano): III. Boot, Saddle, To Horse
Three Cavalier Songs, Op. 17 (Version for Mezzo-Soprano): III. Boot, Saddle, To HorseBBC Concert Orchestra, BBC Singers, John Andrews and Sharon Carty


Songs of Faith, Op. 97, Set 2 (Arr. for Voice & Orchestra by Jeremy Dibble): II. Tears! tears! tears
Songs of Faith, Op. 97, Set 2 (Arr. for Voice & Orchestra by Jeremy Dibble): II. Tears! tears! tearsBBC Concert Orchestra, John Andrews and Sharon Carty


Songs of Old Ireland (Version for Voice & Orchestra): No. 6, Battle Hymn
Songs of Old Ireland (Version for Voice & Orchestra): No. 6, Battle HymnBBC Concert Orchestra, John Andrews and Sharon Carty


Three Cavalier Songs, Op. 17 (Version for Mezzo-Soprano): II. King Charles
Three Cavalier Songs, Op. 17 (Version for Mezzo-Soprano): II. King CharlesBBC Concert Orchestra, BBC Singers, John Andrews and Sharon Carty
