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Stephen Cleobury

Classical music
Ancient music
Organist and conductor Sir Stephen Cleobury began his musical life as a chorister at Worcester Cathedral with his brother Nicholas, who also became a conductor. He went on to study music and became organ scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge. After graduating, he became organist and head of music at St. Matthew's in Northampton and at Northampton Grammar School, before moving to London and taking up the position of sub-organist at Westminster Abbey in 1974. In 1979, he became the first Anglican Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral, before moving back to Cambridge in 1982 t...
All My Hope On God Is Founded (Michael: A Fanfare Setting)Benjamin Bayl, Stephen Cleobury, Wallace Collection and Choir of King's College Cambridge
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Arr. Rutter, Webbe)King's College Choir of Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury and Benjamin Bayl
Johannes Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 1: Chorus. "Herr, unser Herrscher"Choir of King's College Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury, Brandenburg Consort and Roy Goodman
O Little Town of BethlehemGeorge Guest, Stephen Cleobury and St. John's Kids
Johannes Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 1: Chorale. "Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich"Choir of King's College Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury, Brandenburg Consort and Roy Goodman
Johannes Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 1: Chorale. "O große Lieb"Choir of King's College Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury, Brandenburg Consort and Roy Goodman
All My Hope On God Is Founded (Michael: A Fanfare Setting)Benjamin Bayl, Stephen Cleobury, Wallace Collection and Choir of King's College Cambridge

Best Loved Hymns


When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Arr. Rutter, Webbe)King's College Choir of Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury and Benjamin Bayl

Best Loved Hymns


Johannes Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 1: Chorus. "Herr, unser Herrscher"Choir of King's College Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury, Brandenburg Consort and Roy Goodman

Bach: Johannes-Passion BVW 245

O Little Town of BethlehemGeorge Guest, Stephen Cleobury and St. John's Kids

Advent Carols From St. John's


Johannes Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 1: Chorale. "Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich"Choir of King's College Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury, Brandenburg Consort and Roy Goodman

Bach: Johannes-Passion BVW 245

Johannes Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 1: Chorale. "O große Lieb"Choir of King's College Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury, Brandenburg Consort and Roy Goodman

Bach: Johannes-Passion BVW 245

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