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Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel

Rock music
Glam rock
Pop rock
Fronted by singer, songwriter, and guitarist Steve Harley, Cockney Rebel first came to the pop forefront in 1972 when they were signed by EMI Records. Yet Harley himself - a former journalist with a flair for self-publicity - had already made a small mark as a solo artist on the folk scene as a regular at famous London club Les Cousins. Fiddle and mandolin player John Crocker (formerly with Trees) decided to develop their line-up and style, adding drummer Stuart Elliott, bass player Paul Jeffreys and guitarist Nick Jones (soon replaced by Pete Newnham) and the unusual sound of a ...
Tumbling Down
Tumbling DownSteve Harley and Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel

The Psychomodo


(I Believe) Love's a Prima Donna
(I Believe) Love's a Prima DonnaSteve Harley and Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel

Love's A Prima Donna


If This Is Love (Give Me More)
If This Is Love (Give Me More)Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel

Love's A Prima Donna

SebastianSteve Harley and Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel

The Human Menagerie


Black or White
Black or WhiteSteve Harley and Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel

Timeless Flight


Roll the Dice
Roll the DiceSteve Harley and Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel

Hobo with a Grin

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