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Sui Generis

Rock music
Folk rock
Blues rock
Sui Generis was a rock group from Argentina, one of the most important acts from the burgeoning Argentine rock movement in the late 60s and early 70s, enjoying enormous success and leaving a lasting impact. The group was formed in 1969, after Charly García and Nito Mestre met in high school and decided to merge their existing bands together. After unsuccessfully attempting various lineups, the group boiled down to Charly García and Nito Mestre as a duo, and the two began to make a name for themselves as songwriters and performers. In 1972, Sui Generis recorded their debut album V...
Canción Para Mi Muerte (Cancion Para Mi Muerte)
Canción Para Mi Muerte (Cancion Para Mi Muerte)Sui Generis


Confesiones de Invierno
Confesiones de InviernoSui Generis


Bienvenidos al Tren
Bienvenidos al TrenSui Generis

Confesiones de Invierno


El Tuerto y Los Ciegos
El Tuerto y Los CiegosSui Generis

Pequenas Anécdotas Sobre las Instituciones


Rasguña Las Piedras (Rasguna Las Piedras)
Rasguña Las Piedras (Rasguna Las Piedras)Sui Generis


AprendizajeSui Generis

Confesiones de Invierno


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