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Tanita Tikaram

Rock music
Folk music
Folk rock
Tanita Tikaram was one of the quirkiest and unlikeliest of stars ever to hit the charts when she first emerged as a shy, unassuming 18-year-old in 1988. The daughter of a Fijian father and a Malaysian mother, she was born in Germany (where her father served in the military) and came to England with her family when she was 12, living in Basingstoke, Hampshire. She was still in her teens when she started singing in night clubs and was spotted by a scout and signed to WEA Records and her first album 'Ancient Heart' was produced by Rod Argent and Peter Van Hooke. On the back of ...
World Outside Your Window
World Outside Your WindowTanita Tikaram

Ancient Heart


Day Before You Came
Day Before You CameTanita Tikaram

And I Think of You (E Penso a Te)
And I Think of You (E Penso a Te)Tanita Tikaram

The Best of Tanita Tikaram


Poor Cow
Poor CowTanita Tikaram

Ancient Heart

Valentine Heart
Valentine HeartTanita Tikaram

Ancient Heart

The Cappuccino Song
The Cappuccino SongTanita Tikaram

The Cappuccino Songs


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