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Ten Walls

Electronic music
Deep house
Ten Walls is the name chosen by Lithuanian DJ and producer Marijus Adomaitis. Born on January 19, 1983 in Vilnius, Ten Walls first took the pseudonym Mario Basanov, with which he was crowned best Lithuanian DJ in 2012. Now Ten Walls, he released the EP Gotham in 2013. The borders of the small Baltic republic were soon too narrow for his deep house. Ten Walls began exporting in September 2014 with "Walking with Elephants", which reached No. 6 in the UK (and No. 3 in the UK dance chart). In early 2015, "Walking with Elephants" is approved by fans of the genre in France.
Walking with Elephants
Walking with ElephantsPete Tong and Ten Walls


Walking With Elephants
Walking With ElephantsTen Walls

Pete Tong Classics


Walking With Elephants
Walking With ElephantsTen Walls


Walking With Elephants
Walking With ElephantsTen Walls

Walking With Elephants


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