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Ambient music
Electronic music
Teqkoi is an American hip-hop artist hailing from the Southern US where he makes melodic, often mournful music at a prolific rate. Teqkoi was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico and raised both there and in his second home, El Paso. Teqkoi has collaborated with the likes of Roiael, David Alexander, Rxseboy, Aiko, Jada Facer, Bonjr and Ondi Vil.
You Broke My Heart Again
You Broke My Heart AgainTeqkoi and AIKO


I'm Not Enough and I'm Sorry (slowed)
I'm Not Enough and I'm Sorry (slowed)Teqkoi and Snøw (Snow)

I'm Not Enough and I'm Sorry

You Broke My Heart Again
You Broke My Heart AgainJax Jones, Teqkoi and AIKO

You Broke My Heart Again


You Don't Want Me Anymore (slowed + reverb)
You Don't Want Me Anymore (slowed + reverb)Teqkoi and Snøw (Snow)

I never wanna lose you (slowed + reverb)
I never wanna lose you (slowed + reverb)Teqkoi and Snøw (Snow)

I never wanna lose you

Drowning (slowed + reverb)
Drowning (slowed + reverb)Teqkoi, Ondi Vil and Mekhare

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