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The Calling

Rock music
Hard rock
US alternative rock
The American rock band The Calling were formed in 1996 in Los Angeles by the band's frontman Alex Band and guitarist Aaron Kamin. The group were originally called Generation Gap, which then became Next Door until finally in 1999 they settled on The Calling. Music fans, particularly in the US will always associate the band with their 2001 single 'Wherever You Will Go'. The track was the lead single off the band's debut album 'Camino Palmero' and it became one of the defining alternative rock songs of that year after it spent an astonishing 23 weeks at number one in Billboard'...
Wherever You Will Go
Wherever You Will GoThe Calling

Camino Palmero


Our Lives
Our LivesThe Calling

Pieces of a Dream


AdrienneThe Calling

Camino Palmero

Wherever You Will Go
Wherever You Will GoThe Calling

Camino Palmero

We're Forgiven
We're ForgivenThe Calling

Camino Palmero


Could It Be Any Harder
Could It Be Any HarderThe Calling

Camino Palmero


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