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The Clash

Rock music
Punk rock
Reggae music
A seminal band born out of the British punk revolution of the mid-1970s, The Clash rose to become one of the world's biggest bands. Even after their split in 1986 their influence remains strong and their music - including classic tracks like Should I Stay Or Should I Go? and Rock The Casbah - is as popular as ever. They made their live debut supporting the Sex Pistols in Sheffield in 1976 and released their first single White Riot in 1977, closely followed by their self-titled debut album. Subsequent singles Clash City Rockers and the ska-flavoured (White Man) In Hammersmith Pala...
Should I Stay Or Should I Go
Should I Stay Or Should I GoThe Clash

Combat Rock


Rock The Casbah
Rock The CasbahThe Clash

The Swing Of Delight


Mustapha Dance
Mustapha DanceThe Clash

Super Black Market Clash

Train In Vain
Train In Vain 


The Clash

London Calling


London Calling
London CallingThe Clash

London Calling


I Fought The Law
I Fought The LawThe Clash

The Clash

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