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The Dust Brothers

Rock music
Electronic music
Old school hip hop
If hip-hop culture and the electro movement have come together, it's largely thanks to the likes of The Dust Brothers. John King and Mike Simpson form this duo of producers and remixers, responsible for albums that lit up the 90s. Tone-Loc's Loc'ed After Dark, Young M.C.'s Stone Cold Rhymin', Beck's Odelay and Beastie Boys' Paul's Boutique are all by them. Their only personal album is the soundtrack to David Fincher's 1999 film Fight Club.
The X-Files Theme
The X-Files ThemeThe Dust Brothers


Shining Star
Shining StarThe Dust Brothers and Jeymes


This Is Your Life
This Is Your LifeThe Dust Brothers

Fight Club


Kick the P.A.
Kick the P.A.Korn and The Dust Brothers

Spawn The Album


Tortured Man
Tortured ManThe Dust Brothers and Howard Stern

Private Parts : The Album


More, More, More
More, More, MoreThe Dust Brothers


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