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The Linarol Consort

Unseglich schmerz entpfindt mein hertz
Unseglich schmerz entpfindt mein hertzJames Gilchrist and The Linarol Consort

Inn Stetter Hut: Sixteenth-Century Viol Music for the Richest Man in the World, Volume II


Inn stetter hut
Inn stetter hutJames Gilchrist and The Linarol Consort

Inn Stetter Hut: Sixteenth-Century Viol Music for the Richest Man in the World, Volume II


Fortuna - Nasci pati mori
Fortuna - Nasci pati moriJames Gilchrist and The Linarol Consort

Inn Stetter Hut: Sixteenth-Century Viol Music for the Richest Man in the World, Volume II


Kain sach mir nye auff erden
Kain sach mir nye auff erdenJames Gilchrist and The Linarol Consort

Inn Stetter Hut: Sixteenth-Century Viol Music for the Richest Man in the World, Volume II


Ich sag und clag das ander
Ich sag und clag das anderJames Gilchrist and The Linarol Consort

Inn Stetter Hut: Sixteenth-Century Viol Music for the Richest Man in the World, Volume II


Fortuna - Virgo prudentissima
Fortuna - Virgo prudentissimaJames Gilchrist and The Linarol Consort

Inn Stetter Hut: Sixteenth-Century Viol Music for the Richest Man in the World, Volume II
