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The Osmonds

Pop music
Glam rock
Rock music
The story of the devoutly religious Osmond family's emergence from Utah to become one of the great teen pop sensations of the 1970s - including a hit TV show and various offshoot projects - is one of the most fabled in music history. The original line-up featured brothers Alan, Merrill, Jay and Wayne Osmond performing in 1958 as a barbershop quartet raising money for their church. Their big break came on the Andy Williams TV show, on which they performed regularly through the 1960s and were joined by younger brother Donny. Touring as a variety act with Andy Williams and also feat...
Crazy Horses
Crazy Horses 

Live; Multimedia Track

The Osmonds

Live In Las Vegas 50th Anniversary Reunion Concert

One Bad Apple
One Bad AppleThe Osmonds



Crazy Horses
Crazy HorsesThe Osmonds

Crazy Horses

The Twelfth of Never
The Twelfth of Never 


Donny Osmond and The Osmonds

Ronny Rooster Och Köttbullelåten


Love Me for a Reason
Love Me for a ReasonThe Osmonds

Love Me for a Reason


Love Me for a Reason
Love Me for a ReasonThe Osmonds

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