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The Phenomenal Handclap Band

Rock music
Soul music
The Phenomenal Handclap Band is a collective of eight people who create a baroque fusion of rock, funk, Latino, electro and rap guitars, with a definite sense of offbeatness and distance. Formed in New York by Daniel Collás and Sean Marquand, two DJ's with a passion for rare groove and sonic collisions, The Phenomenal Handclap Band quickly generated an intense buzz. Their debut album, The Phenomenal Handclap Band, was released in June 2009, and lived up to its promise: it's impossible to pin down a genre, so many influences meet winks in perfectly heterogeneous directions.
15 To 20
15 To 20The Phenomenal Handclap Band

The Phenomenal Handclap Band


This Corrosion
This CorrosionDiane Birch and The Phenomenal Handclap Band

The Velveteen Age (with The Phenomenal Handclap Band)


Bring on the Dancing Horses
Bring on the Dancing HorsesDiane Birch and The Phenomenal Handclap Band

The Velveteen Age (with The Phenomenal Handclap Band)


A  Strange Kind of Love
A Strange Kind of LoveDiane Birch and The Phenomenal Handclap Band

The Velveteen Age (with The Phenomenal Handclap Band)


AtmosphereDiane Birch and The Phenomenal Handclap Band

The Velveteen Age (with The Phenomenal Handclap Band)


Kiss Them for Me
Kiss Them for MeDiane Birch and The Phenomenal Handclap Band

The Velveteen Age (with The Phenomenal Handclap Band)


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